Third Annual Paths and Traditions Fair

A Fair for Those who are New or Seeking

Saturday, 10 January 2015

10 am - 4 pm

Unity Temple
1555 Race Street
Denver, Colorado, 80206

Pagan and polytheist religions include many different groups and traditions. It is a rich and diverse community; come find out what your local community has to offer!

Come to the Paths and Traditions Fair to start you on your spiritual way, to find others following your same path, or to better understand your fellow Pagans.

You will have the opportunity to speak directly with representatives of multiple different Pagan and Polytheistic traditions, discover opportunities for practice, and reach out to those who may be interested in joining your group.

To begin the day, at 10 am, there will be a special, hour-long workshop on "Finding Your Path," presented by Chris and Kelley of Cró Dreoilín. Throughout the day, groups will be presenting short introductions to their traditions in the classrooms.

How to participate:

Individuals who are looking to connect with representatives of area groups are welcome to drop by during the day.

If you are interested in representing your group or tradition, please contact Chris and Kelley at

Groups and Traditions in Attendance

Cró Dreoilín - Colorado Celtic Reconstructionist Pagans

We are a group of men and women in Colorado dedicated to rediscovering and connecting with the ways of the Pagan Celts. Guided by modern scholarship and inspiration, we hope to create a community that honors our Gods, Ancestors and the Daoine Sidhe; strengthens our ability to be true to our values and recognizes the poetry and spirit in the world around us.

Feel free to contact us at

Coven of the Grove - Eclectic

Our coven initially began as a familial coven, or one comprised of only individuals who were born or married into our family. As our family has grown and moved we have opened our coven up to select individuals who are not related. These members have become the “family we choose” and are a great blessing in our lives.We are eclectic and love our mix of paths but draw predominantly on Celtic and Heathen Pantheons. We have individuals within our coven that follow many paths and all paths are welcome. We embrace our diversity in paths and lifestyles and we embrace each other in love.

E-mail Galandrea Gregory at or visit us at

Raven's Wolf Kindred

We are a Tribal Heathen Kindred out of Denver Colorado. Our focus is on the Norse / Scandinavian Gods, our Ancestors, and the Land Wights we share our homes and Sacred Space with. We are also focused on family, creating community, and bonds through ritual, classes, and social gatherings.

E-mail Sin Odinson and Zanna Isrealson at

Treehenge Druidic Circle

We are the Treehenge Druidic Circle, which was formed in 2005 as a Seed Group under the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids (OBOD). In 2014, we became a grove. A grove is a term, which denotes not only a sacred clearing in the forest but also a group of Druids. In addition to celebrating the eight seasonal festivals, we also meet regularly aside from these special times, to spend time in nature, to give initiations to our members and to enjoy each other’s company. Our grove is composed of Bards-, Ovates-, and Druids-in-training.

Druidry is a vital and dynamic nature spirituality that is flourishing all over the world. It unites our love of the Earth with our love of creativity and the arts. Flowing through all the new exciting elements in modern druidism is the power of an ancient tradition: the love of land, sea and sky- the love of the Earth, our home.

Visit us at or find out more about OBOD at

Chokecherry Protogrove, ADF

Chokecherry is a local congregation of ADF: Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship, Inc., an international nonprofit neopagan religious organization. The third oldest ADF grove in Colorado, Chokecherry was founded in 2014 to explore a variety of Indo-European religious traditions while also incorporating local Colorado elements into our rituals. We hold eight public high day rituals a year at the quarters and cross-quarters.

For more information on the timing and location of our public rituals, our website at or our Facebook page We can also be contacted by email at or by mail at PO Box 100162, Denver, Colorado, 80250.

The Circle of Lilith

The Circle of Lilith is a Dianic group. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.

We are a teaching/doing/politically and socially active circle. We request that each woman in the circle choose a political or social issue and actively work on that issue. Each member is encouraged to participate and share knowledge, but we start at the beginning for those who are really newbies.

The Circle of Lilith is a Dianic group, and thus womyn- and Goddess-only, but we are not rigid in our requirements that all members be born female.

Contact Erica Alikchihoo by e-mail at or

Per Akhet Kemetic Temple

Egyptian Reconstructionist - We practice authentic rituals based on the sacred texts of ancient Egypt. Accepting new members. Prior experience not necessary. We do require commitment to serious study and desire to work with the Egyptian Deities.

Contact Tree at or visit the temple at

Mountain Ancestors ProtoGrove, ADF

The Boulder, CO branch of Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship, a polytheistic, pan-Indo-European, public Pagan church. We, as do all ADF groups, hold open and inclusive worship rites at the 8 'common' NeoPagan High Days, and offer learning opportunities as well as other community services (ALL Rites of Passage, pre-marriage classes, home visits & guidance for multiple tradition households, prison ministry, and more) from our highly trained, professional clergy.

Contact Rev. William E. Ashton, ADF at Visit or

Living Earth Colorado

Living Earth is an open congregational Neo Pagan Church, serving all the community, and all Pagan paths.

Visit Living Earth on the web at,, or; or in person at 2120 South Holly Street #9 in Denver.

Denver Celtic Women's Circle

A private women's circle, grounded in Colorado, using the Tree Ogham as a framework for connection to this sacred space, and Irish lore to connect with the Celtic path. Workshops and public ritual through Hearthstone provide a way for us to share the path.

Contact Paulie Rainbow at or visit her on the web at and

Denver Witches' Ball, Chris and Karen Mohr, Producers

It's a party and a costume extravaganza, but it's also a chance for true community to flower.

Primal Roots Drum Frenzy

Pagans, Wiccans, Elves, Magicians, Psychics, Norse Deities and more

All Welcome

Contact Chris and Karen Mohr at or visit them at

Compassionate Dharma Cloud Monastery

Compassionate Dharma Cloud Monastery, located in Morrison, is a Zen Buddhist Monastery affiliated with Thich Nhat Hahn.

View on

Oakwood Crescent Coven

We are a small Coven that has taken on the task of training new Witches how to be Priests & Priestesses of the Craft, and how to teach that Craft to others. We do this using Traditional Coven practices that follow the Degree System.

First Degree students learn the basics of the Craft, how to do ritual, when the holidays are and why, energy work, and basic spiritual practices. Second Degree students help teach the First Degree students, as well as learning techniques of ritual writing and spell crafting. Third Degree students help teach the Second Degree students, and learn the organizational & people skills required to start, run, and maintain a Coven.

Each Degree is a Traditional year and a day, though the time required to complete each, is based on the individual. We consider ourselves a group that does serious spiritual training, in an effort to help our students walk their Path to making themselves the best that they can be in all aspects of their lives, and to train those who will train others. Because this is a more Traditional Coven, students are more like apprentices, learning from those who have already mastered the materials they teach. Class size is purposely kept small, and acceptance is based on personal merit. Not everyone who asks to be taught, will be accepted. This is not a place for those who are just looking for something to do on Wednesday night, or who are just curious. This is a place for those who have had time to look around, and have decided that the Craft is a life-long pursuit, and that they wish to learn everything they can about it, from those who have the life experience to teach it.

Contact: Greyhart (

Grove of the Morning Star

We are a Wiccan Church located in Aurora run by Ivy Chapman, HPs. We hold public Sabbats at our current location which is at our High Priestess's home. We also host Aurora Witch's Meetup for year and a day training using an oracle deck.

You can find us on Facebook at

Shadoways: Traditional (Reformed) Eclectic Wicca

Located in S.E. Denver, Shadoways is a Wiccan Coven that explores the hidden byways of Progressive neo-Pagan Witchcraft. We are dedicated to promoting Pagan Community outreach(via the Denver Pagans MeetUp and associated events), facilitating Priest/ess Path training, and offering periodic experiential seminars in the Dark Goddess Mysteries.

For more information, please contact Gwynalda Shadowalker on Facebook, or send an e-mail to For information about local-area public events, check out the Denver Pagans MeetUp at

Crux Ansata Oasis - OTO

The Ordo Templi Orientis is an international organization. It is an initiatory, co-fraternal order similar in structure to the Masons but which promotes the philosophy of Thelema. It is an eclectic, hermetic order that promotes the development of one's personal power and dedication to his/her divine Will or purpose. Members are taught tools, methods, and rituals in order to discover and follow her / his path - referred to as the Great Work. There is also an ecclesiastical branch of members that serve as clergy wherein men and women are welcome to serve the order and community in a variety of ways - one of which is performing roles in the central and public rite - Liber XV : The Gnostic Mass. Membership in either or both forms is welcome to members in accordance to their Will. The local body in Denver provides a variety of functions on a monthly basis to include Liber XV, workshops, classes, and other social activities.

Contact Dean Feldman, Crux Ansata Oasis' Secretary, at or visit us at and

Pagan Community Network

The PCN meet-up group is dedicated to fostering the growth of the Colorado Springs pagan community. We acknowledge that there are many paths, many traditions, and many roads being traveled. This community's goal is not to foster a particular tradition, build a coven, or recruit for an existing coven, but rather to provide and open and far-reaching network of folks who want to learn, teach, experience, and just plain get together and have a good time! We would like to encourage social events, classes, discussions, and personal development through community growth.

Visit us at, or look up "(PCN) Pagan Community Network" under groups in Facebook.

The Temple of Thoth Amen-Ra, Order of the Golden Dawn

We are a group of Golden Dawn magicians in the Denver, Colorado area who have gathered to work the Golden Dawn System of Magic. Our members come from all over the nearby area, and are devoted to practicing the system as it has developed over the past 100 years. The primary focus of our Temple is the Great Work, initiations, teaching and more. Our Temple welcomes all potential members who are interested in working, not armchair magicians.

We, the members of the Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer, hope that our website helps those true seekers after light who may be seeking a full initiating Temple. We have members in Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Virginia and a new Sanctuary in Utah.

If you seek the Light of the Hidden Wisdom; if you are sincere and wish to learn the traditional Golden Dawn System of Magic; if you seek friendship and service with others in the Denver area, then our Temple may be for you. Please take a look around and may the Light of the Universe guide you on your path.

Contact Sean, Frater M.T.O., at or visit us at,, and

- no title specified


Schedule of Presentations


Room #1

Room #2

10:00 AM



10:30 AM

11:00 AM

The Temple of Thoth Amen-Ra, Order of the Golden Dawn

11:30 AM

Compassionate Dharma Cloud Monastery

The Circle of Lilith

12:00 PM


12:30 PM

1:00 PM

Denver Celtic Women's Circle

Coven of the Grove – Eclectic

1:30 PM

Crux Ansata Oasis – OTO

Denver Witches' Ball, Chris and Karen Mohr, Producers

2:00 PM

Treehenge Druidic Circle

Living Earth Colorado

2:30 PM

Mountain Ancestors ProtoGrove, ADF

Raven's Wolf Kindred

3:00 PM

Oakwood Crescent Coven

Per Akhet Kemetic Temple

3:30 PM

Chokecherry Protogrove, ADF

Grove of the Morning Star


The Third Annual Paths and Traditions Fair is a project of Cró Dreoilín.