A Fair for Those who are New or Seeking
Saturday, 14 January 2017
10 am - 4 pm
Jefferson Unitarian Church
14350 W 32nd Ave
Golden, Colorado 80401
Pagan and Polytheist religions include many different groups and traditions. It is a rich and diverse community; come find out what your local community has to offer!
The Paths and Traditions Fair is an open house event to start you on your spiritual way, to find others following your same path, or to better understand your fellow Pagans.
You will have the opportunity to speak directly with representatives of multiple different Pagan and Polytheistic traditions, discover opportunities for practice, and reach out to those who may be interested in joining your group. Throughout the day, groups will be presenting short introductions on their traditions in the classrooms.
How to participate:
Individuals who are looking to connect with representatives of area groups are welcome to drop by during the day.
If you are interested in representing your group or tradition, please contact Chris and Kelley at
Special Workshop: Ettiquette and Ethics
12 noon - 1:00 pm
This workshop is geared towards newer seekers and covers the considerations one might take when looking for a teacher or coven. General information, as well as information specific to Chrysalis Circle will be given. Workshop being offered this year by Trenton Thompson and Rainah Nighttiger of Chrysalis Circle.
Groups and Traditions in Attendance
Cró Dreoilín - Colorado Celtic Reconstructionist Pagans
We are a group of men and women in Colorado dedicated to rediscovering and connecting with the ways of the Pagan Celts. Guided by modern scholarship and inspiration, we hope to create a community that honors our Gods, Ancestors and the Daoine Sidhe; strengthens our ability to be true to our values and recognizes the poetry and spirit in the world around us.
Contact: Chris & Kelley
John Conley, an elemental wizard and author of Quantum Magic, has studied the occult for over 50 years. Although founded in elemental magic, he has studied several magical systems.
Contact: John Conley
Oakwood Crescent
"Have you been looking for a Teacher, or Mentor, and found it to be a nearly impossible search? Are you an experienced Witch, looking for a group to work with? My name is Greyhart, and I teach Witchcraft. I call what I teach, a modified form of Gardnerian Wicca. What that means is that I use traditional methods for teaching, and very traditional forms for ritual. Any Gardnerian coming to my ritual would immediately recognize it. The difference is that I have modified some elements in ways that work better for me. This is the basis of Witchcraft. By teaching a traditional form, I give my students a foundation that they can then build on. Once they have completed the course, they have a baseline by which to compare new ideas and techniques, to determine what works best for them. This is not for the curious. Students make a weekly commitment for at least a year and a day. They become provisional members of Oakwood Crescent, and work along side the other members. If they complete the course, students are given the opportunity to Initiate, and become full members, if they choose to. Not all who apply, will be accepted. Experienced Witches are also welcome. We hold Open Sabbats, where we encourage anyone to join us for ritual. This gives you a chance to see what we do, and gives us a chance to get to know you. We are not looking to become some Mega Coven. We emphasize quality over quantity. We only accept Witches of the highest standards into our group. Some people think being exclusive is a bad thing. We don't. We want to do incredible things, spiritually, and magickally. That requires people who are serious about their spiritual growth, and take responsibility for their own actions and deeds. If this sounds intreguing, come find us."
Contact: Greyhart
Shamanic practices trace back to all continents, cultures and times - current estimates of shamanism as humankind’s earliest spiritual practice range as far back as 100,000 years. Small wonder that so many of us feel called to explore this path! My name is Renna Shesso, and my own practice and training is centered in “core shamanism” (the key shamanic practices found in common throughout the world, rather than drawn from any specific culture), with overlaps into my long-time work in the Craft. This is the perspective from which I work and teach. I offer workshops ranging from beginning through advanced, and I also work in the shamanic modes of healing, such as soul retrieval and the removal of misplaced energies Stop by or contact me: I’m happy to share more about this amazing path.
Contact: Renna Shesso
Alternate E-mail:
Magdalena Tarot
I am a Tarot reader and teacher based in the Denver Area.
Contact: Alanna L.P.
Instagram: @magdalenatarot
GaldraKraft with Kaedrich Olsen
Explore the magic and mysticism from the age of the Vikings with Kaedrich Olsen, runic scholar and author of Runes for Transformation. He brings together a rich musical tapestry of rhythms, drones, and captivating melodies interwoven with spellbinding runic chanting.
Contact: Kaedrich Olsen
Phone: 720-556-6734
Order of the Golden Dawn, Temple of Thoth Amen-Ra
A ceremonial tradition of practical ritual magic, founded in 1888. Our members come from all over the nearby area, and are devoted to practicing the system as it has developed over the past 100 years. The primary focus of our Temple is the Great Work, initiations, teaching and more. Our Temple welcomes all potential members who are interested in working, not armchair magicians.
Contact: Frater M.T.O.
Per Akhet Kemetic Temple
We are a small Egyptian reconstructionist temple dedicated to honoring the Netjeru (Egyptian Gods) . We do monthly rituals to celebrate traditional festivals, based on the cycles of the sun, moon and stars. Both dark and light, life and death, order and chaos are embraced in our rites. Our magic is deeply rooted in the power of speech and symbol. We believe that words and symbols which were powerful to the ancients are still powerful today. This means we alter the old rites as little as possible. In our experience, there is nothing more powerful than worshiping in the same manner as the ancient priests and priestesses. We are committed to upholding the principles of Ma'at, in our magic and in our world. We believe in Justice, Harmony, Truth and Kindness. We welcome all who adhere to the same principles, and have a sincere devotion to the ancient Gods of Egypt.
Contact: Tree
Phone: 303-995-8512
Dr. Joy “Granddaughter Crow” Gray
Shamanism - Medicine Woman “I am here to serve, inspire, and encourage.” Dr. Joy ""Granddaughter Crow"" Gray has received a BSBM/BSBA, MBA, and a Doctorate in Leadership. With several years' experience in Corporate America with an International Company, additional time working with the Government, as well as, a College Professor - she is here to share and serve under the name of Granddaughter Crow. Her soul mate is Jeffrey Gray, Alchemical Bass (Musician) & creator of sacred Medicine Bags. Internationally recognized as a Medicine Women, Dr. Joy ""Granddaughter Crow"" Gray was born an Empath and Medium comes from a long lineage of spiritual leaders and esoteric wisdoms. Raised by spiritual leaders, as a child she was fashioned and trained to serve the people through ministry. Member of the Navajo Nation (50%) and Dutch Heritage (50%) – she is able to provide a sense of integration through life experience. Inducted into Delta Mu Delta, International Honors Society. Voted in as Women of the Year 2015, by the NAPW (National Association of Professional Women). Featured in Native Max Magazine June/July 2016 issue.
Contact: Dr. Joy “Granddaughter Crow” Gray
Phone: 720-220-2654
Jeffrey Gray – Alchemical Base
Norse Path – Modern Heathen/Asatru The Norse path comes from Northern European and Icelandic Regions. The lore is deep, yet expansive. Working with Runes, Odin, the 9-worlds are a few of the more commonly known aspects. An Odinic Priest (Asatru), he is a young sage, seasoned warrior, and dark poet. Weaver of runes, both weal and woe. He is a holy man and provides knowledge and insight through workshops, speaking engagements, and personal sessions. Reader of the Runes. Hail Odin!"
Contact: Jeffrey Gray – Alchemical Base
Phone: 303-810-3986
Hesperides Garden
We are an open coven and a community organization dedicated to helping build a stronger Pagan community. We Believe that each person's spiritual path is there own and we forever strive to encourage learning, sharing, and teaching of Pagan practices. Because we believe that each spiritual path is unique our organization is eclectic in nature and provides support to all those who follow a nature based faith.
Contact: Tara Waddle (clergy and Coven Matron)
Google Plus:
Facebook 2:
Mountain Ancestors Grove, ADF
Modern, Local, Congregational Polytheism
Contact: Revs. William & Missy Ashton
Phone: (720) 295-5585
Goddess Vibrations
Goddess Vibrations is a group created soley for Black/African American women who wanted to meet postive, fun loving Black women with simliar interest to hang out with to do some social activies and who have expressed a strong interest in spiritual arts, practices, earth based magic, polytheist and a lot more modalities that can enhance our essence and create a stronger connection to the universe.
Contact: Toni Brown, Organizer and Lysondra Nickson, Co-organizer
Phone: 720-427-1257
ChristoPagan's of the Rockies
This group is for those who have not completely abandoned or "divorced" themselves from their Judeo/Christian roots, those who still believe in the God of Abraham, Jesus and/or still have a love of the scriptures even while they find value and comfort in a pagan path as well. This is also for anyone who are still following the traditional paths but have wondered about the "other side" and are looking for a safe and open space to ask questions, explore ideas and find out who/what is around this area.
Contact: Christine West
Phone: 714-642-9762
Meetup ChristoPagans of the Rockies
Denver Celtic Women’s Circle
The Denver Celtic Women’s Circle is a private circle that offers a public Celtic Druid Full Moon Ceremony monthly, along with workshops, community ritual, and charity events. The practice has its emphasis on Irish Lore and the female Divine as that is expressed through the Goddesses, Druids, heroes and queens of history and Celtic mythology. Using the Tree Ogham as a framework for connecting with the Celtic Path and the local Colorado regional landscape to connect with the spirits of the natural world we follow a five year cycle of spiritual practice and growth. The first three years build from sisterhood and camaraderie to competence and leadership. The final two years of the cycle root deeper into the magic and mysteries of the path, and branch outward into sharing with and serving the larger community.
Contact: Paulie Rainbow
Denver Witches' Ball
Mark your calendar for the 26th annual Denver Witches' Ball and Samhain Ritual! Immerse Yourself in a Mystical Evening of Live Music, Dancing, Drumming, Shopping in the Magickal Marketplace, Feasting, Divination and Midnight Samhain Ritual Game of Thrones Theme returns with GOT Dragon Egg Hunt, Trivia, Costume Contest, a Throne you can sit on if you dare! Save the Date! October 28 6:00 pm to 1:00 am. Tickets available in February
Contact: Chris Mohr
Facebook: Denver Witches Ball
Chrysalis Circle
Chrysalis Circle is a Wiccan (Eclectic Tradition) studies and teaching group
Contact: Trenton Thompson
May You Have Enough and Pagan Pantry CO
MYHE and Pagan Pantry CO is a joint effort of Pagans in the Denver Community who are in Service to provide a hand up to those in need in the Greater Denver Metro Area May You Have Enough: Community Outreach: We are a group of magical beings from the greater Denver area who seek to aid the hungry and homeless by providing food, clothing, etc. Donations graciously accepted Pagan Pantry of CO: Food Bank: We are Pagans who want to make sure members of our spiritual community have enough to eat. This food bank is for anyone who follows an earth-based path.
Contact: Pamela McAlpin
Phone: 720-365-5082
Contact 2: Deborah Kasper-Twiss
E-mail 2:
Phone 2: 720-879-2667
Facebook 2:
Eden Arising Meetup
We all come into this world with a hidden potential waiting for us to uncover. Our desire to reach a greater purpose keeps us seeking and evolving. Each and every one of us carries a unique gift different from everyone else's and it is up to us to rediscover and activate it. Are you ready to connect with your soul's purpose and nurture your unique God given talents? Are you ready to create a new way of life by practicing the ancient ways? Do you believe that our greatest strength is fueled from the inside instead of fed from the outside? This group is for anyone ready to unleash their full empowerment to bring healing to themselves, the planet and to humanity. In this structure we are all students, we are all teachers, and we are all healers - Even if you have no idea what your unique talent is YET! This Group will work in the Spirit of collaboration to co-create the New World paradigms, explore masculine and feminine energies, test drive new healing modalities, work with the elements, use the power of intention for personal and universal healing, manifestation and transformation, and to build more passion into your entire life wheel. Join us for amazing presentations, ceremony, meditation, healing and prayer circles, shamanic journeying, drumming, magick, group study of esoteric arts and healing, networking and marketing your unique talents and gifts, and to celebrate the New Garden of Eden that we are all co-creating.
Contact: Jen Berryhill
Phone: 303-506-1319
The Booga Booga Cabal of Discordians
Discordianism is sorta a sub group of the Hellenistic path that has nothing to do with that path, based on Eris the Greek Goddess of Chaos and Discord.
Contact: Erich Shanholtzer
Phone: 720-436-7503
Coven of the Golden Condors, Sacred Order of Black Forest
The Black Forest Family offers one of the most comprehensive clergy training programs within the Pagan community. Ours is a teaching tradition. In the Craft, all groups have rules whether they are assumed or set forth in printed format. The Black Forest Family is not eclectic Wicca, it is a specific study of one form of Euro-Wiccan ritual, religious, and magickal practice. As a dedicant in the Black Forest Family, you must follow the prepared Black Forest lessons, as others have before you. You may certainly study other topics on your own, including attending classes at bookstores or seminars. There are 13 lessons which will prepare you as a person to become ordained Wiccan clergy. Each person is different; however, 3-5 years is the norm for completing the course of study earning Three Degrees. In order to assess whether Black Forest is a good fit for you and for us, we require an Application with a fee, at least one interview, attendance at open events and a discussion of your goals prior to dedication.
Contact: Lady Nightshade or Lady Rowena
E-mail: or
Dóiteán agus Uisce (Flame and Well Druidic Circle)
We are a seed group of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD), based in the Denver area. We strive to deepen the members’ experience of Druidry through eight ritual ceremonies around the year, and contemplative practices of chanting and meditation. We chose the name Dóiteán agus Uisce to honor Brighid, goddess of the forge and hearth, poetry and healing. Our preferred translation of this name is Flame and Well, symbolizing inspiration, deep wisdom, and the mystery arising from their meeting.
Contact: Lexi Erickson
E-mail: or
Living Earth
Living Earth is an open group of individuals and families in the South Denver area of Colorado. We are a church, sharing spiritual philosophies and practices of the modern eco-spiritual path and Earth Religions movement. In the Living Earth tradition we celebrate the seasons and grow together in a supportive, egalitarian, casual environment. We are a family-friendly and welcoming group of community-minded spiritual seekers, including those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious, Earth-based, eco-conscious, pagan, humanist, New Age or metaphysical, shamanic, or who simply choose not to define their creative, open spiritual path. While we may each have different beliefs, together we share in community, focus on service work, and honor the sacred Earth. We also sponsor the annual festival called Beltania. It's a 4-day music fest and camping festival with internationally known teachers, musicians, and authors as well as many local presenters. All night drumming and dancing, concerts, labyrinth, yoga, ceremonies, rites of passage, sweat lodge, and maypole dance. Camping, RV space, yurts, and cabins are available.
Contact: Rev. Joy Burton
Phone: 303-478-8814
Contact 2: Rev. Jo Butler
E-mail 2:
Alternate Website:
Alternate Facebook:
Orpheus Pagan Chamber Choir
Orpheus Pagan Chamber Choir is a respected entity within Denver's Pagan Community, receiving acclaim for its performances at the Denver Witches Ball, Denver Pagan Pride Day, 12th Night, and Beltania. Our 12th Night Concert and Viking Feast is a beloved tradition within our community. Our concert and appearances enable us to sing for over 2,000 people a year. We are very proud to have received an SCFD grant this year to further our mission of bringing excellent choral music to our Pagan community and the greater Denver metro community, as well. Orpheus seeks to build community by sharing with our audiences the power and beauty of choral music from many historical and cultural traditions. We explore the Pagan presence in traditional choral music, the emerging Pagan choral repertoire and more. The singers in Orpheus follow Earth-based spiritual traditions or are Pagan-friendly.
Contact: Maeve Wilde
Facebook: Orpheus Pagan Chamber Choir
Chokecherry Grove ADF
Chokecherry Grove ADF
Contact: Rev. G. R. Grove
Address: PO Box 100162, Denver, CO 80210
Circle of Light and Shadow
Inspire - Transform - Unite - Manifest! We are an eclectic Wiccan coven focused on creating and manifesting positive, personal and global transformation, through study, practice, magic, ritual and a strong connection with divinity, in many pantheons. We adhere to the Wiccan Rede and the Witches Pyramid. Our Focus: Personal and spiritual advancement Magic and ritual Earth Stewardship Qabalistic Wicca and the study of the Tree of Life Community Service Teaching Circle of Light and Shadow offers open Sabbats at the covenstead in Brighton Coloardo. Please ask to be on our Sabbat list if interested. COLS also offers 1st-3rd degree training, 2nd and 3rd degree training within the coven structure, our 1st degree is not based in Qabalah, it is strictly Wiccan. In Light and shadow, Blessed Be.
Contact: Wellyssa Spellsong, HPS COLS
Facebook: Wellyssa Spellsong
Temple of Witchcraft
We are a teaching organization that teaches the ways of witchcraft by showing individuals how to awaken the soul to its natural gifts of psychic awareness, communion with nature and spirits and the ways of magick. We offer a program through which an individual may obtain the degree of High Priestess/Priest. Our organization is based on the traditions of modern magick, neo-paganism and Witchcraft. Classes are conducted locally by Emily Jones.
Contact: Emily Jones
Celtic Spirituality in Colorado
Celtic Spirituality is a path that bridges … - ancient shamanic and pagan traditions of the British Isles and old Europe - early Celtic Christianity, including mysteries of Glastonbury - revivals of written and visionary knowledge - Druidic study - a living flow of mystical awareness and love of nature I will have an altar table at the Fair where you can receive Celtic blessings and clearings
Contact: Edie Stone
Phone: 303-931-9806
Heart Vision Shamanic Journeys
Shamans were the world's first healers, priests, and therapists. Recent research and practical experience show that some aspects of shamanic healing and awareness are accessible to all of us, even though we live in the modern world. Almost everyone can learn to journey. It is a natural state of consciousness that I believe is part of our spiritual birthright as human beings. I teach and lead individual and group shamanic journeys and Earth-honoring ceremonies. I especially love shamanic dreamwork. I teach about the integration of Soul Retrieval and trauma therapies such as EMDR. I am also a teacher in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Peruvian Shamanism. I will have a Peruvian mesa (altar) at the Fair.
Contact: Edie Stone
Phone: 303-931-9806
Colorado Pagans Meetup
Meet local Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Druids and other practitioners of alternative spirituality and religion! Come to a Pagan Meetup to make friends, share lore, and most of all to have fun in a safe haven of like minded individuals
Contact: JJ Steelman
Phone: 207-468-3944
South Metro Conical Hat Society
We are a Wiccan based Discussion Group. Our home meeting places in Parker Colorado
Contact: Veronica Nowak (RavenSong), Organizer
Contact 2: Vella Rose, Co organizerE-mail:
Rite of Her Sacred Fires Denver
The Rite of Her Sacred Fires is an annual international ritual celebrating the goddess Hekate. It is open to everyone, and can be performed individually or as a group. 2016 will be our second annual group celebration in Denver, and we'd love for you to join us!
Contact: Sarah Burns
Facebook: Rite of Her Sacred Fires - Denver 2017
"Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature." The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals.
Contact: Angela Priest
Phone: (303) 279-5282