A Fair for Those who are New or Seeking
Saturday, 13 January 2018
10 am - 4 pm
Jefferson Unitarian Church
14350 W 32nd Ave
Golden, Colorado 80401
Pagan and Polytheist religions include many different groups and traditions. It is a rich and diverse community; come find out what your local community has to offer!
The Paths and Traditions Fair is an open house event to start you on your spiritual way, to find others following your same path, or to better understand your fellow Pagans.
You will have the opportunity to speak directly with representatives of multiple different Pagan and Polytheistic traditions, discover opportunities for practice, and reach out to those who may be interested in joining your group. Throughout the day, groups will be presenting short introductions on their traditions in the classrooms.
How to participate:
Individuals who are looking to connect with representatives of area groups are welcome to drop by during the day.
If you are interested in representing your group or tradition, please contact Chris and Kelley at contact@crodreoilin.org.
Workshop: Selecting a Spiritual Teacher or Group
Presented by Chrysalis Circle
This session is intended to be an open conversation about the questions and
onsiderations that a seeker should bring up when looking for a compatible teacher/group
to study with.
Schedule of Presentations
Presented by Chrysalis Circle
This session is intended to be an open conversation about the questions and onsiderations that a seeker should bring up when looking for a compatible teacher/group to study with.
Room A |
Room B |
10:30 am |
Witches and Pagans of Longmont |
Proto-Demos of Hera Akreia |
11:00 am |
Everyday Shamanism |
Crone as Community Elder |
11:30 am |
Hesperides Garden |
Wizardry |
12:00 pm |
Oakwood Crescent |
The Magickal Path Meetup |
12:30 pm |
May You Have Enough |
ChristoPagans of the Rockies |
1:00 pm |
RoseHill Feri Free Radicals |
Sacred Fires Denver |
1:30 pm |
The Front Range Non-Wiccan Pagans Meet Up |
Chokecherry Grove, ADF |
2:00 pm |
Temple of Witchcraft |
Denver Celtic Women’s Circle |
2:30 pm |
The Booga Booga Cabal of Discordians |
GaldraKraft |
3:00 pm |
Workshop: Selecting a Spiritual Teacher or Group |
Groups and Traditions in Attendance
Cró Dreoilín - Colorado Celtic Reconstructionist Pagans

We are a group of men and women in Colorado dedicated to rediscovering and connecting with the ways of the Pagan Celts. Guided by modern scholarship and inspiration, we hope to create a community that honors our Gods, Ancestors and the Daoine Sidhe; strengthens our ability to be true to our values and recognizes the poetry and spirit in the world around us.
Contact: Chris & Kelley
E-mail: contact@crodreoilin.org
Oakwood Crescent

We are a small group practicing Eclectic (in the actual meaning of the word)
Witchcraft. While our rituals are based in the Gardnerian Path, over the years we have
found modifications that work better for us, hence the word 'Eclectic'. Influences
come from many Traditions and Paths, including Wicca, Traditional Witchcraft, Ceremonial
Magick, and others. Our rituals are Tradition based, and therefore change for specific
reasons, or when we discover a new way that works better than what we had been doing.
If you are looking for a completely different ritual every time, this is not for you.
The Working changes each time, the ritual elements do not.
Our High Priest Greyhart,
teaches classes in our Tradition of Witchcraft in person, and is working on creating
classes online through Witchcraft Academy. Potential students are questioned, tasked,
and evaluated for suitability as members of our Coven. This Path is not for everyone.
Some call us 'elitist', but when it comes down to it, our Spiritual Path is for those
who are called to teach. We are serious about our spirituality, and our magick. Not
everyone who wants to join us, will be allowed to.
Contact: Greyhart
E-mail: ken@witchcraft-academy.com
Website: www.witchcraft-academy.com

Explore music, mysticism, magic, runes and ritual from the Old Norse, in a modern context.
Contact: Kaedrich Olsen
E-mail: kaedrich@galdrakraft.com
Facebook: GaldraKraft
Website: www.GaldraKraft.com
Coven of the Hidden Path

Coven of the Hidden Path is a small American Eclectic Witchcraft coven established Beltane 2004. We are a collaborative of experienced priestesses working with a focus on personal and spiritual growth through collective wisdom. Our group work is influenced by our personal study and practices as well as our shared foundations. We meet monthly in Longmont/north metro area for Esbats and occasionally for community events, Sabbats, and other coven events.
Contact: Kat Burns / Autumn
E-mail: hiddenpathcoven@gmail.com

John Conley, an elemental wizard and author of Quantum Magic, has studied the occult for over 50 years. Although founded in elemental magic, he has studied several magical systems.
Contact: John Conley
E-mail: coconley50@gmail.com
Phone:303 478 7569
Facebook: /J-M-Conley-1670357103178811
Circle of Light and Shadow

Inspire - Transform - Unite - Manifest! We are an eclectic Wiccan coven focused on creating and manifesting positive, personal and global transformation, through study, practice, magic, ritual and a strong connection with divinity, in many pantheons. We adhere to the Wiccan Rede and the Witches Pyramid. Our Focus: Personal and spiritual advancement Magic and ritual Earth Stewardship Qabalistic Wicca and the study of the Tree of Life Community Service Teaching Circle of Light and Shadow offers open Sabbats at the covenstead in Brighton Coloardo. Please ask to be on our Sabbat list if interested. COLS also offers 1st-3rd degree training, 2nd and 3rd degree training within the coven structure, our 1st degree is not based in Qabalah, it is strictly Wiccan. In Light and shadow, Blessed Be.
Contact: Wellyssa Spellsong, HPS COLS
E-mail: Wellissaspellsong@yahoo.com
Facebook: Wellyssa Spellsong
Temple of Witchcraft
Co-founded by Christopher Penczak, Steve Kenson and Adam Sartwell, the Temple of Witchcraft started in 1998 as a system of magickal training and personal development and eventually developed into a formal tradition of Witchcraft. Now, as an outgrowth of the work of students, initiates and graduates of the programs, the Temple of Witchcraft has evolved into an organization based on traditions of modern magick, witchcraft and neopaganism.
Contact: Emily K. Jones
E-mail: ekatjones@yahoo.com
Phone: 303-807-9409
Website: templeofwitchcraft.org
Website: tarotwicca.com
Hesperides Garden

We are Hesperides Garden a Pagan organization dedicated to supporting and g rowing the Pagan community through teaching, sharing, and networking. We provide a wide ange of clergy and community services to support Pagans in all parts of life.
Contact: Tara Waddle
E-mail: hesperidesdraconagarden@gmail.com
Phone: 970-775-0135
Website: hesperidesgarden.org
Facebook: hesperidesgarden
Everyday Shamanism

Everyday Shamanism provides shamanic healing, education, and ceremony in the Peruvian tradition. Shamanism is a spiritual practice and has been part of the human experience for millennia. The past few decades have brought a resurgence of shamanism in the west as modern people rediscover their birthright as spiritual beings. Shamanism is not merely a process of healing, it's a way of living, bringing the shamanic individual new levels of awareness, empowerment, and confidence. Shamanism is not a faith or a religion, it's a wisdom tradition for everyday life.
Contact: JP McLaughlin & Sandra Schrawder
E-mail: info@everydayshamanism.com
Phone: 720-316-0166
Website: www.everydayshamanism.com
"Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature." The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals.
Contact: Angela Priest
Phone: (303) 279-5282
Denver Celtic Women’s Circle: Irish Celtic Path

The Denver Celtic Women's Circle, established in 2006, is a private circle
that offers a Open & Inclusive public Celtic Full Moon Ceremonies, along w
ith workshops, community ritual, and charity events.
We are an anti-racist, Pagan group. The Celtic path is open to people of all
ethnic backgrounds. Authenticity in practice is going out into the natural e
nvironment where we live, experiencing the seasons, the trees, the paths into
the mountains, as they actually exist in this sacred place. We use the Tree
Ogham as a framework for connecting with the Celtic Path and the local
Colorado regional landscape to connect with the spirits of the natural
world. We follow a five year cycle of spiritual practice and growth. Our
private practice has its emphasis on Irish Lore and the female Divine as that is
expressed through the Goddesses, Druids, heroes and queens of history and Celtic
We will be accepting applications for a private grove program in the new year.
Contact: Paulie Rainbow
E-mail: info(at)thegoddessofdenver(dot)com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DenverCelticWomensCircle/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Denver-Celtic-Womens-Circle-Events/
The Front Range Non-Wiccan Pagans Meet Up
"This is a group is for Pagans of many faiths and beliefs. We hold meet and greets, topic-focused discussions, holidays from various religions, rituals, and more. Our group is 100% oriented to our member’s needs. Each individual member truly shapes and evolves our group. We are currently located in Denver, but members may hold meetups in other cities and areas in Colorado. We are disability and queer friendly. We are NOT a hate group."
Contact: Aubren Lewis
E-mail: aubrenmaxwell@gmail.com
Text: 720-989-9925
Facebook: https://facebook.com/groups/1044174799059764/
Text and e-mail list: by request
The Booga Booga Cabal of Discordians

We are Discordians, we each have our own path.
Contact: Pope Fuzzlewhump, the first of his name. Keeper of the Sacred Chao and Episkipos of the Booga Booga Cabal, but you can call me Erich.
E-mail: erichshan@aim.com
Phone: 720-436-7503
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/124370965359/
Yahoo: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Boogabooga/info
ChristoPagans of the Rockies

Blended Christian (No particular denomination) and Pagan (Druid, Wiccan, Christian Witch or eclectic Pagan).
Contact: Christine West
E-mail: lcchristine2003@yahoo.com
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/ChristoPagans-of-the-Rockies
Sacred Fires Denver

Sacred Fires Denver is devoted to honoring the goddess Hekate, Torchbearing Goddess of the Crossroads and Guardian of the Marginalized. We host a public celebration of the Rite of Her Sacred Fires, an international devotional ritual for Hekate held at the waxing full moon in May.
Contact: Sarah Burns
E-mail: sacredfiresdenver@gmail.com
Facebook: sacredfiresdenver
Crone as Community Elder

For those who follow the dark path of the Goddess including but not limited to Dark Moon Rituals. Promoting understanding of what the Crone represents, and how to embrace this as a "rite of passage" versus the "old age myths and fears". Emphasis on the internal ritual work of the Dark Goddess compared to the external work of the Maiden and Mother aspects.
Contact: Joan M. Kelley
E-mail: joankelley1969@yahoo.com
Phone: 720-375-0641
Feri Reclaiming: RoseHill Feri Free Radicals

Feri Witchcraft is empowering mystery tradition that blends folk magick with potent poetry and Celtic and Huna mysticism. Feri is a Pagan tradition of Witchcraft which derives its flavor from such widely-scattered origins as Hawaiian Huna, Haitian Voudon, Celtic and Thelemic teachings. Victor Anderson (1917-2001) is credited with being the main advocate of a Feri approach, but he apparently did not admit to being the creator of the tradition, but rather the transmitter of knowledge that he'd received himself. The RoseHill Line of FERI taught in this course is a uniquely blended current as it has been passed through Gwydion Penderwyn, Victor Anderson, T. Thorn Coyle and Reclaiming Feminism.
Contact: Kath
E-mail: SkathachSophia@gmail.com
Phone: 303-618-7702
Contact: Sable
E-mail: Sable.Twilight@gmail.com
Facebook: Rosehill Feri Free Radicals, https://www.facebook.com/groups/163770850813257/
Proto-Demos of Hera Akreia
Hellenic Polytheist (Reconstructionist)
Contact: Ann Hatzakis
E-mail: ahatzakis@yahoo.com
Facebook: Hellenion Proto-Demos of Hera Akreia FB Group
Chokecherry Grove, ADF

Founded in 2014, Chokecherry Grove is a local chapter of ADF: Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship, Inc., an international nonprofit Neopagan religious organization. Chokecherry’s purpose is to serve the spiritual and intellectual needs of the Colorado Front Range Pagan community in general, and of Chokecherry’s members in particular, through open and inclusive public rituals and such other activities as those members undertake. In particular, we are dedicated to practicing pan-Indo-European religion with local roots. Chokecherry is located in Denver, Colorado, and holds open public religious rituals eight times a year. For more about ADF in general, visit the website at adf.org.
Contact: Rev. G. R. Grove
E-mail: gwernin@gmail.com
Alternate E-mail: chokecherrypg@gmail.com
Website: chokecherryadf.org
Facebook: ChokecherryPG
Chrysalis Circle

Chrysalis Circle is a Wiccan (Eclectic Tradition) studies and teaching group.
Contact: Trenton Thompson
E-mail: tthompson06@gmail.com
Website: www.chrysaliscircle.org
Facebook: Chrysalis-Circle-101109099950234
May You Have Enough
We are a Pagan non-profit that feeds the homeless
Contact: Pamela McAlpin
Phone: 720-365-5082
Contact: Mary Ann Bonetti
Phone: 303-419-9100
Facebook: MYHEDenver or #May You Have Enough
The Magickal Path Meetup group (eclectic Wicca) & our coven is: Daughters of Danu. (AmerCeltic Wicca)

The Magickal Path meetup is a group for those in the Fort Collins & s urrounding areas, who are looking to meet with others of like mind, and gain an understanding of pagan paths...with emphasis on Wicca. It is open to anyone, and we provide answers to their questions based on my 20+ years experience as well as recommended reading. We usually meet at a local cafe, and the staff there is very accommodating! The Daughters of Danu is our coven. Established by myself and my High Priestess in 2004, ( and sister coven to another in L.A., CA), we had a total of four priestesses plus "extended family", and up until recently, w e have been a private group. We are women only, so far, but we recently decided to open the coven up to new members.
Contact: Beth Barrette-Foshee
E-mail: celtic.bear3@yahoo.com
Phone: 970-227-9943
Black Forest Clan

The Black Forest Family offers one of the most comprehensive clergy training programs within the Pagan community. Ours is a teaching tradition. The Black Forest Family is not eclectic Wicca, it is a specific study of one form of Euro-Wiccan ritual, religious, and magickal practice. There are 13 lessons which will prepare you as a person to become ordained Wiccan clergy. Each person is different; however, 3-5 years is the norm for completing the course of study earning Three Degrees. For further information, please feel free to get in touch with us. We will answer your questions and welcome you with gladness in our hearts if the Lord and Lady have called you to Black Forest as your home.
Contact: Lady Nightshade, Clan head
E-mail: ladynightshade.condors@gmail.com
Contact: Lady Rowena, High Priestess
E-mail: rowenammagicka@gmail.com
Witches and Pagans of Longmont
We are an open, eclectic group of folks specific to the Longmont, Boulder, Broomfield area, though anyone who wishes to travel up this far is more than welcome to join us. We started last Summer Solstice, and have since continued to celebrate the Full Moons and High Holy-days since then. By eclectic, we mean that all folks, all gender expressions of members, as well as the divine, are welcome. The divine, to us, like we as humans, and the soil of Mother Earth Herself, come in all different colors, hence all Divine Beings of all cultures are welcome among us, we don’t discriminate. While we celebrate most often the Pagan Celtic Calendar, we also are aware of the fact that the land on which we stand is stolen land, and therefore give honor to the ancestors thereof. Folks are encouraged to explore all aspects of themselves and the divine, as well as other individuals, teachers, and groups in the larger Boulder/Denver metro area. Exclusivity leads to lack of understanding.
Contact: Soltahr Tiv-Amanda, M.A., LPC
E-mail: soltahr.tivamanda@gmail.com
Phone: 720-436-9992
Meetup: Longmont-Pagans-and-Witches-Meetup
Orpheus Pagan Chamber Choir

Orpheus (we believe) is the world's only Pagan choir. We call ourselves "pan-Pagan" because our members follow a wide variety of spiritual paths, most of which are earth-based. Challenging the expectations of what defines a typical choir concert, we exist to build community by sharing the power, beauty, and inspiration of choral music from a vast range of time periods, themes, and cultures with our audiences.
Contact: David Carpenter, President
E-mail: zzcarp@gmail.com
Phone: (303) 815-9923
Website: www.orpheuspcc.org
Facebook: Orpheus Pagan Chamber Choir